Accomplishing more with less is the reality of what current manufacturers deal with on a daily basis. In today’s competitive world they are faced with teams that are leaner than in previous years, while still meeting the challenges of demanding timelines, adhering to stricter requirements, and all while providing better quality products at the lowest possible cost. 

Alt Collective offers perspective, experience, guidance, leadership and support that will complement your team in specification management, production quality, supplier quality, quality investigations and consumer complaint management. 

Interim Quality Management Support

Short term gaps in quality management can have a direct impact on the overall quality of your manufacturing process and products. It can delay quality improvements, overlook investigations identifying the root cause of recurring issues, cause frustration to both internal and external customers, or even impact a third-party quality certification.  Alt Collective offers Interim Quality Management Support to keep focus on quality during the recruitment and hiring process.

Implementation Support

Building a solid foundation during start-up projects is critical in driving the positive momentum of a project.  Alt Collective is here to help support with new facility start-ups, new production lines, as well as new product launches.

Supplier Quality Management

Don’t let supplier quality issues distract your team from focusing on the quality metrics that can be controlled internally.  When issues occur with the quality of your supplies, Alt Collective is here to work directly with raw material and packaging suppliers to get the external quality back into compliance with your company’s expectations, so your team can stay focused on internal quality that they control. 

Complaint Management

A thorough investigation for a consumer complaint is critical to the continued success of your brand image.  Alt Collective will work with your team to conduct the investigation and identify the root cause of the issue using a 5-Step CAPA approach, helping to prevent similar issues from repeating.

Audit Preparation

Alt Collective is available for support focused on the preparation, implementation and continued support of third-party food safety and quality audits (GMP, ISO9001, ISO22001, SQF).